
Almost everyone, at some point in time, wants to make higher returns on their investments.

The Usual Suspects

For most average or “eligible” investors, investing generally involves one or more of the following:

• Setting up a RRSP or TFSA account at a bank and investing in mutual funds
• Investing in stocks through a broker
• Setting up a discount trading account and buying and selling your own stocks
• Having a pension at work
• Having a RRSP savings program through work

There is nothing wrong with any of these strategies. They all have pros and cons but ultimately, they are helping you save money towards your goal of a great retirement. That is excellent in my books.

With employer plans, they generally hold the reins and their goal is to do well for you, so you can likely just sit back and let that happen. For personal registered accounts, you have a lot of choices for what you can invest in and generally, at some point in time, investors go looking for higher returns if they are not achieving the results they are hoping for with mainstream investment products.

Starting The Search

When you start looking for higher returns on your money – and by higher returns, I generally mean in the 7% + range – there are all kinds of different options that you can pursue. Things like:

Stock related opportunities like day-trading, options, futures, penny stocks etc. There is nothing wrong with this it just takes time to learn about and more often than not, novice investors lose money based on emotion or speculations that don’t pan out.

Investment real estate. I really like this strategy because I think it’s an excellent one that can generate some great wealth over time. There is a big learning curve here though and being a landlord comes with challenges so there is a lot to consider. A sound strategy though if you can take the time to learn.

Investments in real estate projects found in other countries. There is a lot of opportunity to be found in some of these places, but things can change in a hurry as regulation can be sparse and plans can be difficult to execute.

Investing with close family, friends or business associates. This can often work out well for accredited investors that are in the know and have larger sums to invest in sound projects. For the average investor though, investing with a smaller player, these often do not go as planned. Rather than the double digit returns that were promised, there are often strained relations instead.

Multi-level marketing. This usually works out well for the person at the top and the super social. For most people though, it’s hard to make it off the bottom rung and easy to alienate friends and family.

Get rich quicker scenarios. These come in all shapes and sizes and are always lurking out there for anyone that is searching out ways to make more money. Investors always need to be wary – particularly if something seems too good to be true.

So then where can you find investment opportunities that can possibly give you higher returns?

In my opinion – you should look straight to Canada’s Exempt Market and here are the reasons why:

• From a risk reward perspective – it is higher risk and that’s why the prospective returns are so much higher. But here, those risks are very transparent and well explained.

• It’s well structured and has changed and improved over the years to give investors more safeguards. To learn more about how the market has evolved to get to this point – click here.

• In order to offer an investment to clients, issuers have to be accepted by an Exempt Market Dealer. The EMD conducts a rigorous diligence process on the issuer to ensure they are a strong company with a sound plan and a great likelihood of success.

• Issuers that I have offered in the past that have paid out their investors have averaged approximately 8-10% annual return over the life of the investment.

• I am here for you. I’ve worked in the private investment markets since 2007 – I will make sure you understand everything there is to know about the Exempt Market and then help you decide if it is the right fit for you.

But is it Guaranteed?

So with all of these benefits – there must be some guarantee of success right?


There is absolutely no guarantee. It is a higher risk market and even with all of these safeguards, things can and do go wrong and investors can definitely lose money. It’s important to discuss all of this in the beginning to ensure that the Exempt Market is a good fit and also ensure you allocate the proper amount there.

On the other side of the coin though (and the reason investors continue to invest in the private markets), if you are well diversified across a few quality issuers, there is excellent opportunity for you to achieve the returns you are searching for. When we meet in the future, we’ll look at issuer results to date which will help to illustrate all of this for you.

There you have it. There are a lot of options out there to try and make higher returns on your investment but if you are looking for one that you can learn about easily and have a Dealing Rep that will help you every step of the way – you should definitely consider the Exempt Market.


I really appreciate you reading my post!  If you would like to talk further, with no obligation, please contact me today.






Shannon Pineau
Exempt Market Dealing Representative

C: 403-872-4010


This blog post is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy securities. No securities regulatory authority or regulator has assessed the merits of the information herein or reviewed the information contained herein. This blog post is not intended to assist you in making any investment decision regarding the purchase of securities. Rather, the Trust has prepared an offering memorandum for delivery to prospective investors that describes certain terms, conditions and risks of the investment and certain rights that you may have. You should review the offering memorandum with your professional adviser(s) before making any investment decision. This blog post and the accompanying offering memorandum are intended for delivery only to, and participation in the investment is restricted to, investors to whom certain prospectus exemptions apply, as described in the offering memorandum.

The Exempt Market (also known as the private or alternative market) has been around for centuries as people have always raised private capital to fund their developments.

Prior to the 2000’s though, this market was generally only known to the very wealthy and not available to average investors.

Common Exemptions Used in the Past

At that time, companies that didn’t want to complete a full prospectus in order to raise capital used an exemption from prospectus. Some examples include:

– Raising money from only friends and family

– Having a $150,000 minimum investment amount or

– Raising capital from accredited (high net worth) investors.

A Common Exemption Used Now

In the 2000’s, this all changed with increased use of another common exemption – the Offering Memorandum.

This document is a more condensed version of a prospectus and allows average investors to enter the Exempt Market with:

– Lower minimum investment amounts

– The ability to be an eligible instead of an accredited investor

All Of This Led To The Change in Terminology

I mentioned in a previous post that using one of these “exemptions” from a prospectus to invest in the private market is how the market got its name – The Exempt Market.

In addition, the changes that took place in the market in 2009 gave rise to a new entity called the “Exempt Market Dealer” or EMD, which further cemented the name.

So, to be fair, the official name THE EXEMPT MARKET has really only been around for the last decade.

Very Little Advertising

Another reason you don’t see or read a lot of information about the Exempt Market is because it’s not well advertised.

When the private markets really gained traction in the early 2000’s, it was a completely new market to average or “eligible” investors and there were all kinds of newspaper advertisements to bring investors out to large presentations.

At that time, the high-risk nature of private investing was not well understood by most, largely because of its newness and also because there hadn’t yet been any high-profile failures. Once the recession hit though in 2008/2009, there were many failures, and this was also the time that the provincial regulators stepped in in a big way to ensure that the proper regulations were put into place to protect investors.

This included the removal of any potentially misleading statements in advertising and also complete transparency about the high-risk nature of the market.


So, while an ad from 2007 might say:

“Come on out Thursday night and find out how to earn 12% return on your investment with a short 2 year term”


An ad nowadays would say something like:

“Come on out on Thursday night and hear about an Exempt Market issuer that could potentially deliver a good rate of return but could also cause you to lose some or all of your money”


The second is definitely better and more truthful but isn’t very appealing to a mass audience.

So, what happens now is Investors go looking online for information on how to make higher returns and eventually come upon the term “Exempt Market”. Then they might think to themselves, hmmmm…I’ve never heard that term before and then come upon my blog post. From there, they might reach out to me to find out more because there has to be something that is great about private investing otherwise no one would do it. Right?

Right! There are lots of benefits – and risks too of course.  I’ll tell you more about all of this as we go.

To Sum Up

The Exempt Market itself is not new but the terminology has changed and it is not well advertised. To learn more, you have to go looking and I’m very glad you found me and read my post. Thank you!

You can keep reading to learn more about private investing in Canada and I will continue by giving you “A Brief History of the Exempt Market“.


If you would like to talk further, with no obligation, please contact me today.





Shannon Pineau
Exempt Market Dealing Representative

C: 403-872-4010

This blog post is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy securities. No securities regulatory authority or regulator has assessed the merits of the information herein or reviewed the information contained herein. This blog post is not intended to assist you in making any investment decision regarding the purchase of securities. Rather, the Trust has prepared an offering memorandum for delivery to prospective investors that describes certain terms, conditions and risks of the investment and certain rights that you may have. You should review the offering memorandum with your professional adviser(s) before making any investment decision. This blog post and the accompanying offering memorandum are intended for delivery only to, and participation in the investment is restricted to, investors to whom certain prospectus exemptions apply, as described in the offering memorandum.